Shuffle all the cards, place the top card face up on the table, and deal the remaining cards to each player who stacks them face down in front of themselves without looking at them until they’re drawn. The dealer says “GO”. Each player quickly draws cards from the top of his deck one at a time. There is no hand limit, you may draw as many cards as you like: one at a time, as often as you like (it is not allowed to take them in piles).
Each player can place one of their cards on the card placed in the center if the main value of their card is equal to the sum or difference of the card's main value and index. For example, if the main value of the card placed in the center is 5, and the index is ±2 meaning (5+2=7 or 5-2=3), you can place cards with the main value of 7 or 3 on that card. The game continues by placing new cards on the table one by one. When placing a card, you need to shout its main value. There are no turns so players are racing to play cards onto the discard pile.
If ever no one can play and all the cards in all players decks are in their hands, play stops and all players lay their hands face down on the table. The dealer takes the bottom card from the discard and moves it to the top. The dealer then says “GO” and all players may pick up their hands and play resumes.
There can be cases when, as a result of the calculation, you get values larger than 10 or smaller than 1. In the first case, you should subtract 10 from the value. For example, if the main value of the previous card is 9, and the index is ±3, then you can place cards with a main value of 6 (9-3=6) or 2 (9+3=12, 12-10=2). In the second case, you should add 10 to the value. For example, if the main value of the previous card is 1 and the index is ±2, you can place cards with a main value of 3 (1+2=3) or 9 (1-2=-1, -1+10=9).
The phase ends when one card is left for one player, and regardless of the value the card has, the player should place it in the center, shouting “Winner winner, chicken dinner!”
After each phase, players add up the main values of the cards they have and record the number in the calculation table.
The winner is the player who collects the least points during 6 phases.
We wish you a pleasant time!