Pick a dealer who shuffles the deck cards and deals all the cards out evenly to all the players. Players may not look at their cards, but instead hold them face down in front of them. The player to the left of the dealer goes first then play proceeds clockwise. On your turn, discard the top card of your deck face up in the center of the table. When you discard the card, flip it out away from yourself to everyone sees it at the same time. After you discard, your turn ends and the next player goes. If a “Mosquito” is discarded, then all players rush to slap* the discard pile with their hands. The first person to do so, collects all the cards on the table and adds them to the bottom of their deck without shuffling them. Play then continues to the left of the player who “killed” the mosquito. If a player “kills” another insect a card that is not a mosquito, then the player who slapped has to give the top card of their deck to the player who played the card that they wrongly slapped. That person adds the card to the bottom of their deck. If you run out of cards in your deck, then you no longer play a card when it is your turn but are instead skipped. You are still allowed to slap mosquitos and win cards to get back into the game. However, if you slap a card that is not a mosquito, then you are out of the game permanently and may not slap back in. The first player to collect all cards, wins.
We wish you a pleasant time!
*Be highly creative in your choice of method of attack. A mosquito can be "killed" both in a classic way, with a blow from the palm of the hand, and with a slipper, as well as by other ways known and unknown to mankind.