At the beginning of the game, you need to build an 18-story tower. Each floor is made up of 3 closely spaced parallel blocks. The blocks of each subsequent floor are placed in the opposite direction of the blocks of the previous floor. The game starts when the tower is ready.
The first move is made by the player who built the tower. He removes one block from the lower floors and places it at the top of the tower, building a new floor. Don't use only the blocks on the top floor. The new floor should also be built from 3 blocks.
Before creating a new floor using 3 blocks, you cannot start building a new floor. The block can be removed from the lower floors. The tower can be touched with only one hand.
The blocks can be moved, freeing the way to the removable block. The moved block can be left in place, stopping the removal if it causes the tower to go down. The game's liveliness depends on the turns length, preferably 10 seconds per player. The game ends when the tower goes down. The whole tower or just a few blocks can go down. Loses the player, on whose turn the tower goes down.
In case of agreement, players can continue the game if one or more blocks have gone down.